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thaiphoon burner has not出錯處理辦法

發(fā)布時間:2024-04-11 文章來源:深度系統(tǒng)下載 瀏覽:

打開Thaiphoon Burner 軟件,點擊“read”出現(xiàn)錯誤“Thaiphoon Burner has not detected any SPD EEPROM device. The most possible reason for this is an unsupported SMBus Host Controller or it has been in a state of deadlock. Power off your computer or perform a Platform Reset to reinitialize the SMBus Controller. If this is a permanent error, please contact us.”是因為未檢測到SPD EEPROM設備,大部分是因為軟件版本較低,下載Thaiphoon Burner最新版即可解決。

thaiphoon burner has not錯誤解決方法
thaiphoon burner has not錯誤解決方法


本文章關(guān)鍵詞: thaiphoon burner has not 出錯 處理